Saturday, October 20, 2007

ŠPONGIA, web, flash, and why i wasnt writing.

So its official now!!

Today at lunch has been released the ŠPONGIA's topic. It's a puzzle game, which has main her, and this hero should talk on player.
If you don't know what ŠPONGIA is, skip this part. It is Športové Programovanie Oči Neodpudzujúcich Grafických Interaktívnych Aplikácií, Sport Programming of Eye-not-repeling grafical interactive applications, or simply ŠPONGIA (that means SPONGE) and it is named after PONG. This contest is organized by SMND and this is second vintage. Difference is that time for creating is not old 10 days, but 18 and there are two another schools (GJH and GAMCA, with SMND creating the 3 most advanced slovakian schools for Math and Informatics) and Mindek will not come ;). Jury will have for desission whole week (and not just half an hour).

Here is report from ŠPONGIA2006 with the games, here photos from the event and here is unofficial webpage.
About ŠPONGIA2007, everything is here As you can see I'm in digital tribe team, that has another 4 members, and im there as 3d graphic. We are fighting with another 12teams and our product we need to give to judges until Monday, 22. October 12AM. Presentations will be at 29. October.
I can't say anything about our game yet, but you will see, and hope, you will like :)

Now i will explain why i didnt write for such time. Its simple. I dont have time.I was preparing for ŠPONGIA and now the ŠPONGIA started. The school started, and i must learn. I was making web (which i finished, too) so please visit sometimes And i started to learn Flash. In Flash i made just one animation about famous school legend yet. And i visit a collet internet radio, but from it i cant give you any messages yet. It will be informational/fun and its for cadets of SMN, teachers and parrents. Im program director.
And i want to do one RPG in Flash with Aleks (code name pieneskejp) but thats far far away now. As you can see, im not bored. I think i wrote everything i wanted, so bye :)

The truth about Prostata and war3 instalation on SMND

Interesting interview with Juraj Bunček, also known as Jurvúd, one of most famous members of Prostata's comandos.
How could be WarcraftIII installed on SMND so quickly and reguliously? Look the video and you will know

Complete uncensored Jurwood's shrift. Just at


So, the school started, and here is my first fiction of this schoolyear. Our quest was to write fantasy apograph/recountal . I wrote work about artificial world habitated by beeings that human lifted from animals.
It is not my idea im describing world of Paul J. McAuley, where happens his saga about Konfluence. Of course i wrote it, its not just a copy or short version of book and some events i thought. But it is not fully original and not just inspiration. Its apograph. Imagine apograph of Prattchet's Flatland on 2pages. It's not copy, but no own work to. And thats probably destiny of apographs.

Read, its not long.

Konfluencia.odt (17kb) - full version
Konfluencia.txt (5.52kb) - without formating

Friday, October 19, 2007

Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum

I must put here this picture. I love it, IMHO is wonderful!

By the way i recommend you this site, i realy like it, today i read the first quater of it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

Google PageRank

PageRank is an algorhytm for rating the relevance of web sites designed in 1987 by Larry Page and Sergey Brinn. It is the base of Google search engine.

Algorhytm uses strusture of hypertext links as each other "recommendations"of webpages. The rating is not computed just from number of comming links , but from ranks of recomendating sites too.

If we wanna compute PageRank R(a) of site a, we could use scheme that looks like this:

where Ba is group of all pages linking on a, and Nu is number of links going from u. Basicly every site gives its rank to pages, that it links.

Problems with PageRank computing are closed site structures, on which links goes, but doesn't go out. For example two joined sites with link from outside on one of them would during the computing acumulate and will not release anything. This creates some kind of "trap", that Page and Brin calls "sink". Becouse of this is PageRank even more difficult, becouse it stops this sinks.
If you wanna compute Google PageRank for your site, you need to use Google Toolbar. But it is still not completely exact and it works just with IE or mofo. It looks like this:

PageRank is trademark of Google, Inc. and algorythm is patented (Patent USA 6285999) by Stanford University.

For webmaster is importing just that as height is your PageRank, as big importance gives Google to it. As height is importance, as height is the page placed in search result.Of course thats not the only criterium, Google has about 100 of them. Another advantage is that GoogleBot brows the sites with bigger PageRank more often. Google actualize PageRank in cca 3moths intervals.

We must admit that this is all hust a theory and noone without the deepest employers of Google knows for what purpous exactly PageRank is.

Wikipedia (en)
explanation on JakPsatWeb (cz)
Article about toolbar pagerank (cz)

Seclusionist - Blender:Render

Today i played with blender a bit. This is the result, maybe you like it, maybe not. Maybe i will modofy it a bit, maybe not. But probably not, i dont have reason. I was just trying something.

Harry Potter Lego Parody

This i found morning, and i hope that its not "old", but i didnt saw it before. I like it. :D i have laught, hope that you too.

Opera & Skype

People that don't know me personaly, will probably think, that I'm using web browser Mozilla Firefox (Mofo, or FF) If you would say that two years ago, you would be right. However, my favourite browser is Opera, shes not such known and common, but in my opinion many time usefullier (for personal use). So why everyone uses Mozilla? Reason is simple. Opensource. Every bit advanced user of Windows quickly finds out that Internet Explorer (IE) is a piece of shit. Versions under 7 did not have tabs (for me the most neccesary feature on browsers), version 7 has tabs, but is slow and panels and buttons takes too much space , so there is less space for the page, you are viewing. All this peoples, which left explorer got into trend "windows is for noobz, yaya opensource rullezz!! flower power!" and grabs opensource software Mozilla, becouse many companies recomend it. Google recommends her on every step (with google toolbar for firefox or get firefox for secure browsingetc.) All linuxes have it biult in and people then feel "cool" before that "stupid pcmans with stupid IE" Opera has many advantages and i will write some of them.

- Tabs (Its strange that i must count this but many userts even in this age uses browsers without tabs.)
- Saving of space - compare window of opera and other browser, you will see the difference ;)
- Speed - Opera definitaly the most fastest web browser on the world. (accoarding to many international tests).
- Full screen - after pressing F11 you gets into full screen mode without anything else, then page
- Speed Dial™ - on every new tab you get 9 huge buttons with favourities
- Integrated search - for example when i enter 'g bread' im redirected to google search with keyword bread, when i enter 'i bread' i got of breads when i enter 'w bread' i get wikipedia article about bread (in my home language)and 'we bread' returns wikipedia article about bread in english. On 'en bread' it gives me english translation of this word (of course i will not write 'en bread' but for example 'en chlieb') via internet dictionary.
- Trash Can - There are stored all closed tabs until closing. Like history but much much much effective.
- Wand - Mozilla and IE ask everywhere if you would like to store your login infoprmations, password or other datas. However it never works. In opera yes. just press ctrl+enter and you are logged in.
- Delete private data - rýchlo a jednoducho na pár kliknutí
- Everything others - pop-up blocker, bit torrent client, Fraud protection, Improved rich text editing, Widgets, Thumbnail preview, Transfer manager, Mouse gestures, Keyboard Shortcuts, Notes, Security bar, Cookie control, IRC chat, Drag and drop and Zoom

Opera is maybe not one of most known browsers for PCs but is very frequently found on Mobiles, PDAs or even on Wii.

Of course there is OS X and Linux versions and releases every few months.

Skype is, (not only) an instant messanger like ICQ, too. I dont like ICQ for its client and several other things and i have all people on Skype, so why use it? This cant be objective revue, i did not used Jabber, AIM, Yahoo and MSN (not counting Meeboo thats something completely other using just their protocol) but i could say that skype is good. Its nice, it works, it has low requirements. what more you want? I will not talk about phoning becouse i dont use it, but based on what i know they are wonderfull. Wanna call on Australian mobile for 20 cents per minute? Use Skype.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Google Desktop

Google Desktop Pic
Today i've installed, until now, to me unknown product from Google - Google Desktop. Wikipaedia says that first version for windows was released 3years ago, for Mac on April and last month for Linux. I decided to write about it, becouse i think it's hightly effective and not very known. The first contemplation was to integrate google-style indexing into a desktop pc, but during the time, there appeared some gadgets (a pseudo widgets) and similar stuff. I, personaly don't believe on gadgets, becouse they eats much of memmory, like themes etc. But you could set Google Desktop as simple small textbox on the panel, which after filling a keyword starts immidiately show all files and mails, containing it in the name, or content. I think it's a PC version of Apple's Spotlight, so theres no reason to put it on Mac, but PC users would (IMO) like it. I didn't test it on Linux yet, but now i sit at PC with Windows XP, 200GB disk and 256MB of RAM and the results are fantastic. While it tooked 3 and a half minute to find all clues to Windows search (yes, that awfull dog), Google Desktop brought all results in 2seconds and in another 4 it included all mails and conversations from gmail too. Wonderfull. Google could do it thanks to indexing all files to its own database. Then it loads it based on their relevance. Of course, first it must index them. On my computer tooked it about ~4hours. However it does it when a computer is not working for more than 30seconds - just like screensaver - so it doesnt slow our work much. With a technology and system that allows you to search about 6exabytes of datas in time under one second and classify them on effective relevance, there is no problem with finding something on your small, pathetic disk, even if it has a terrabyte and your case contains just 700mHz Intel..
I had a small problem, during the instalation, and have to reinstall it, but now all works perfect. Maybe someday i will test the gadgets too, but on another PC.If you don't have Mac and you have a 30GB+ HDD, i advice you, to install it, you wouldn't sorry that.

Quote from

You have lots of information on your computer. Wouldn't it be great if you could find it all when you need it? You can use Google Desktop to locate your files, emails, past IM chats, and web pages you've seen. And Google Gadgets with sidebar puts up-to-the-minute info - your email, photos, weather, news stories, etc. - right on your desktop.

When you look at a web page, read an email, or edit a file, Google Desktop indexes that item and copies the item's content into your local cache, so that you'll be able to find older versions of files and web pages.

Depending on how much data your computer contains, it could take Google Desktop a few hours to index all your existing information. Since this one-time initial indexing only happens when your computer is idle, it shouldn't slow down your work. But it might be a good idea to go to lunch or to leave your computer on overnight to let it have time to index without your work interrupting the process.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Terra Imortalis - fiction (continuation)

I have been away at the cottage without a net for a week and it reflected on my productivity. It's strange, that today, if some person use to use internet, some time ago very favourite games can't muffle him. I got with me SC3k, Dune2k, War3, War2, RedAlert2, Dune2, Civ2, Mlíčňák and some another spam from, but i was still borred (in front of computer). Ages, when i could play 12hours at computer at once are away. But i don't sorry that, at least i created something. I Re-wrote the start of Terra, but what's important i wrote really long continuance. As you maybe found, the label is no more μFiction, but just a Fiction. The new Terra has size of 24 pages (A5 format, Courier New, 10), 6914 words or 42041 characters, whats almost 7times more, that had the old version! I hope, you wouldn't think i preffered kvantity, before quality, becouse it's definitaly not true. Becouse so long text would strech this.. erm.. invention on about 70monitor screens and after reading would your eyes blowing, thanks to black background, i decided to upload this work to internet in .rtf format, which you should open quickly and comfortable in any advanced web browser (Opera, Mofo, Safari).
With the text lenght i satisfy requirements for fiction, but you will not see it published anywhere soon, becouse its not completed yet. I dont know how during the school, but i hope, i will finish it due the X-mas.


Saturday, September 01, 2007

MS iPod

A short video, showing how would look an iPod package if it would be one of Microsoft's products.

Terra Imortalis - μFiction

I wrote this μfiction in January. I planned continuance and it appeared last month. Friends said "It's great!" and teacher loved it too. So i hope i could put it here without shame :)

note: ilustration is not my, i stole it from

I'm sorry but it is availible just in the slovak version now. If there is anyone, cheerful to translate it for free, just for my pleasure, can do :)

Muž precitne.
Chvíľu leží, potom pootvorí oči. Je dezorientovaný.
Poobzerá sa po okolí a snaží sa poskladať svoje vedomosti a fakty, aby mal aspoň nejaký základ na ďalšie uvažovanie.
Zistí, že toho moc nie je. Pravdepodobne prišiel o pamäť. Vie že je programátor. Vie že má 27 rokov. Nevie svoje meno. Vie že vyvíjal nejaký veľký a dôležitý projekt. Nevie absolútne čoho sa týkal ale vie že to bolo nedávno. Netuší aký je rok, dokonca ani storočie. Pamätá si biele priestory a tím lekárov. Ležal na kresle a všetci okolo neho pobiehali a zapájali nejaké drôtiky. Matne sa mu zazdalo že túto variantu očakával. Mal pre ňu zálohu a tou zálohou bolo.. pozrie sa na dlaň svojej pravej ruky.
Zbadá nápis: „512“
Porozmýšľa, ale nič mu to nehovorí. Všetko čo o tom čísle vie, je, že je to pekná mocnina dvojky a je preto často využívané v informatike.
Rozhodne sa sústrediť na fakty. Leží tu na neurčitom bielom stole, nahý, v bielej miestnosti. Zrejme stratil pamäť, ale ináč je asi v poriadku – nemôže to síce úplne posúdiť ale minimálne ho nič nebolí. Vyzerá to že nikdo oň nemá záujem.
Výborne. Vyberie sa teda na prieskum.
Vstane a obzrie si miestnosť. Je to biela klinicky čistá izba v tvare kocky. V jej strede sa nachádza stôl a na jednej stene je terminál. Presne oproti sa nachádzajú lesklé, hladké biele dvere zapustené do steny, bez ľubovolného náznaku možnosti ovládania. Vyberie sa k stene. Je absolútne hladká, vyzerá ako z plastu a pri okrajoch je zaoblená, čiže v miestnosti sa nenachádzajú žiadne hrany. Celá miestnosť vlastne vyzerá ako odliatok, podľa jeho odhadu s dĺžkou steny okolo 3 metrov.
Pristúpi k terminálu. Je to vlastne len plochá obrazovka zapustená do steny. Ďobne do nej ukazovákom. Aktivuje sa a objaví sa prihlasovacia obrazovka. Priloží ukazovák na plôšku s biometrickým senzorom a počká na známe pípnutie. Nabehne systém a ďobne na ikonku „Zvukový vstup a výstup“, program nabehne a v tom momente stratí o obrazovku záujem. Otočí sa a vydá sa k dverám. Medzitým sa opýta:
„Identifikuj prihlásenú osobu.“
Akoby zo stien sa ozve odosobnený hlas: „Philip N. Neason.“
„Vyhľadať v databáze informácie o Philipovi Neasonovy!“
Tento krát trvalo vypracovanie odpovede trochu dlhšie.
„Prístup k súboru bol zamietnutý.“
„Hmm.. Identifikuj systém!“
„Operačný systém Linux Nea Virtual verzia 2.0.12 založený na jadre Debian-kernel 20.0, testovacia alpha verzia, vyvíjaný pre projekt Terra Imortalis“
Terra Imortalis.. Zem Nesmrteľných.. Áno! To bol ten projekt! A týkal sa.. Virtuálnej reality!! Je svojou kópiou! Čím ďalej si spomína na všetky podrobnosti tohto projektu, tým ďalej si uvedomuje, ako ľutuje že s ním vôbec začal.
Terra Imortalis bol projekt zo 80.tých rokov 21.storočia, jeho spoločnosti Nea Industries, ktorý sa snažil navždy zmeniť spôsob ľudského života. Mala to byť revolúcia vo všetkých ohľadoch, od vládnej ekonomiky po sociálne zásady, od spánku po jazdu MHD..
Ľudstvo už dávno pozná technológie na dosiahnutie virtuálnej reality. Funguje to prakticky tak, že sa pozorovateľ uvedie do bezvedomia a na miechu sa mu pripojí počítač. Ten vysiela do mozgu všetky potrebné signály, od hmatu po čuch, a naopak prijíma všetky podnety, od otočenia hlavy po mlynské koleso. Nevýhodou je, že je to zdraviu škodlivé (po čase môže používateľ prísť o možnosť pohybu, kvôli poškodeniam miechy a tým sa pripútať doživotne ku invalidnému vozíčku) a taktiež je to veľmi nebezpečné. Napriek tomu je táto technológia používaná takmer všade, od nevestincov po videohry, od holovíznych reality show po samotnú holovíziu, od školskej výučby po ovládanie zložitejších počítačových programov. Je veľmi praktické a pohodlné keď vám stroj dokáže „čítať myšlienky“.
Neason však plánoval viac. Neason vyvíjal spôsob ako oklamať samotnú smrť.
Chcel vytvoriť svet kde by boli všetci spokojný.
Kde by neexistovala smrť.
Kde by neexistoval hlad.
Kde by neexistovala chudoba.
Dokonalý svet.
Na poli AI/UI (umelej inteligencie) už boli isté pokroky. Podarilo sa spraviť niekoľko UI programov ktoré mysleli sami za seba, ale potom aktivisti dosiahli postavenie podobných experimentov mimo zákon a výskumy skončili. Neason chcel vytvoriť program ktorý by nebol len ovládaný človekom. Chcel vytvoriť program ktorý by bol človekom. Chcel okopírovať človeka do počítača. Osobnosť/dušu/spomienky tvorí špecifická sieť neurónov, uchovávajúca chemické náboje, ktorá sa neustále mení a „prebíja“, podobne ako tranzistory na dávnych pamäťových kartách. Keby sa táto sieť vytvorila virtuálne kópiou biologickej siete nejakého človeka, teoreticky by vznikol program so spomienkami danej osoby a dokonca by bol presvedčený že je ním samým. Vlastne by vznikol jeho absolútny klon. Pôvodne bolo Neasonovým plánom vytvárať kópie ľudí, čo by za to platili, každý týždeň a v prípade že by zomreli, aktivoval by poslednú z týchto záloh a presunul ju do samostatného humanoidného robota.
Plánoval predávať zálohu na druhý život.
Ako však napredoval s výskumami, rozmyslel si to. Rozhodol sa urobiť virtuálny bezpečný svet kam by sa mohli ľudia presunúť a žiť tam naveky.
Svet kde by každý mal čo chcel lebo by mu stačilo si to proste zaželať.
Dokonalý svet.
Neason postavil program ktorý bežal na internetových serveroch (preskakoval medzi nimi podľa cien na burze výpočtových kapacít) a niekoľko krát ho navštívil pomocou štandardného VR rozhrania, ale po čase to prestalo stačiť a tak si uvedomil že potrebuje skutočnú kópiu – seba.
Lenže nikdy si neuvedomil že by tou kópiou mohol byť on sám.
Vždy si predstavoval ako kópiu toho druhého a seba ako sedí na stoličke a pozoruje ho na monitore.
Teraz však stál tu, v tejto transplastovej miestnosti ktorá ale bola len zmeť elektronických impulzov a pozeral sa na biele dvere.
A 512? Už vie, čo to je. Je to kód na samovraždu. Po zadaní do terminálu sa prestane počítať jeho program a svet okolo sa rozpadne. A bude mať pokoj..
Otočil sa, rozbehol sa k monitoru a z celej sily do neho udrel. Cítil náraz, ale na obrazovke nebola najmenšia stopa. Nebola k tomu naprogramovaná. Neexistovala textúra na ktorej by bola rozbitá, aby sa mohla priradiť.
Philip N. Neason sa otočil a prešiel dverami.
Vykročil do sveta, ktorý stvoril, do sveta kde mal byť bohom, do sveta kde skončil väzňom.
Druhý Philip N. Neason s očami upierajúcimi na obrazovku s teraz už prázdnou bielou miestnosťou sa načiahol za šálkou čaju, aby sa napil.


Short time ago company Apple Inc. has expanded onto a new market. At the start of year they released a new "revolutionary" product. The Apple iPhone. Their biggest opponent, Microsoft (or just MS) is on this market for years. At start has Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer laughed Apple into face, but then they realised how damm it, fuckin good iPhone is.. So they quickly retransfered all their developers and after few months released.. Microsoft® O-phone™ !!1
They tought that with this product they ruined Steve in cellphone bussines, but Apple has blocked this atack. As Apple defeated Zune Phone with iPhone in spring, it decided to defeat new oPhone. Two weeks ago Apple released a new revolutionaryal product. The iPhone Shuffle!!

This battle of world's IT gigants could be very useful for phone industry.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Photo I.

In last time i found a new hobby. I like taking pictures. Mostly it's macro, but a normal pics too. I'm uploading my favourites into wikimedia, these are first of them.

This is st. Jacob's catedral in Šibenik (Croatia). I don't know about it nothing more than i heard after creeping by asian guide with Japan turists, which talked "english" but has so terrible pronaunciation that it seemed like a new language. From her i got knowledge that it's st. Jacob's catedral, built then and then and it was built by that and that master from italy. During the war there was a city council.

In fact i don't mind i just like that photo, just a pity about that wire..

This is mini crab that i caught in Grebaštica (Croatia). Maybe it doesn't belong here, it isn't completely good, but it was so much work :D.. When i saw it i supposed it immidiately for a great photo. Then i was catching it for a half hour and then 20minutes making photos. This is the best position. Pity about that smudgy legs..

Flower called Čakanka (wallflower in english), meadow, Brezovička, Sabinov, Slovakia. Nice, nope?

A nest with small birds, i found in forrest. Probably blackbirds. Brezovička, Slovakia.

Interesting view, not? This i taked after funeral on street of small village (Brezovička) on east Slovakia. Look is from church.


I love dandelions.. This one i found a week after others here, in Bratislava unbloomed, on Saturday morning, on the way from school night reading.

I didn't know what type is this flower for a long time, then was talken to me, it's Kamilka (i don't know english expretion), so call it Kamilka. I think it's really nice pic. One friend has created a wallpaper from it, which i'm using now on notebook.

After clicking on photos you get onto they places on wikimedia commons where are availible at full resolution (after clicking on them again).

These files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license versions 2.5, 2.0, and 1.0.

Air trips

Newly i was after long time traveling on vacation via air. And i was thunderstruckt about few very unlogical rulles. I have almost feel, that teroristic attacks wasn't plane-kidnapping, but terroristic attack was that incredibble discomforting of air travelling. When im speculating, what purpose has flying? It's simple - the quickest way of transport. A route that you could do by a plane under one hour, could takes you 12hours, if you use a car. So why isn't it trying to be quick? For what purpose are modern planes so quick, if the background is so slow? I think that if you are travelling by a plane and the naked journey takes hour, you should arrive under hour and half. However, if your depart is at 10 o'clock, they want's from you to be there at 8. Then you must wait the same queues at checkins, customs, inspections and boarding. Isn't it waste? Rulles are another mystery. Currently it is forbidden by European Union to bring into your cabine luggage more than 1litre of liquids. The reason is simple - they are afraid of liquid explosives, like nitroglyceryn. But why is then that exception? Every person could bring with him max. 1l. You couldn't damage the plane enought with 1l of explosives to destroy it!!? There is one more acessary for this rulle - that liquid must be in packs maximum of 100ml. Is it a problem to decant it into one pack, later, behind the security control? Another absurdity (but this one didn't mind me) is that every person could bring a maximum of 2 notebooks. I didn't trust it until i get to the control and woman doing the inspection asked: "computer?". I said: "Yea." She: "Get it out!". I got it out from the bag and she put it on that scroll and let it pass over that scanning machine. I realy don't understand what she wanted to see. She must saw just a big bunch of cables. How could she detect a bomb in that? Is it a problem to get out arbitrary component as battery and put there a bomb with a shape of that component? Even i could do it if i have some spanner and a bomb in few minutes. It's automatic that it's forbidden to bring anything sharp. However, they allowed me to bring my DVDs (i didn't want to get them into my cabine luggage, but i forgot on them). When you broke some DVD, you get IMO fairly dangerous weapon. Next point is a scare from flying. I observed it on everyone around, maybe except stewards and few persons. Someones were closing eyes, else were trying to read books, but they were too nervous, so they were just still shuting them. The Teenagers were still laughting on everything, just to cloak their fear. Others drink wine and prayed for the end (of trip, not life). As totaly ateistic person, that trusts more to statistics, numbers and physics than to Murphy and general cussedness of things, i defended by arguments that planes are the second safest transports on the world (immidiately after ships) and ignored nevousity of others. When we landed i was sad that it was so short (i liked it) but bulk phewed. When we were travelling from airport by a car realised that now should i fear. Cars are the unsafest and most dangerous transports. Decades of people are killed by a cars everyday. I knew someone, who died in car. But i don't know anyone, who knows anyone, who died in plane. But nothing. Blank. I feeled so safe as in my own bed. Air casualities are so known, becouse they are so rare. That world is odd!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hello, world!

Hello! I'm currently writing my first article into my new shiny blog. I was thinking for a long time what about should this contribution be. Finally, i have decided to write, that i adjudged to found a blog, that i wouldn't use estranky/ etc. becouse i don't like them. I like this BlogSpot. I found it throught David Nykl's blog (en) and it seemed nice to me. During the registration i found that this system bought Google, 5 years ago and you can log-on with your Google Account. As i like Google and - until now - i liked all their products, after i heard that BlogSpot is owned by Google, it was clear.


That was, what i wrote on Slovakian version of my blog 25 days ago. Now i decided to create english version daughter-blog. It's not in english to be cool or to be something more than other slovakian bloggers. It's becouse i feel bad when i see on my slovakian blog american or france visitors, incoming from search engines, which were dissapointed. And of course it's english to improve my english, which is currently not very good.